the love-ly Miss Mary Peterson of Perpetual Sunshine Creations came up with a beautiful and effective idea for helping to clean up the Gulf.  she has been posting photos for sale in her Etsy shoppe to raise money to go towards cleanup and animal rescue efforts.  she has invited various IndieArtists to donate their work for this very important cause, and i am honored to have three of my photos involved. 

if you're feeling a bit helpless in regards to the devastation
caused by the oil spill this is a very simple way to show your support for restoring the waters, shorelines, air and life in the Gulf; not to mention, a very affordable way. 

the prints also make wonder-ful gifts.  i personally bought one of the images, by Mary herself, to gift to a good friend of mine.  trying to make the world a better place in the name of someone you love is always an amazing gift in my eyes.  so, if you know of someone whose special occassion is coming up this just might be the perfect gift for them.  

the photos are all beautiful, honoring mother earth, and with your support you get to choose the organization that best resonates with you. i hope these photos will work as a reminder that the earth is worth protecting, afterall it is what sustains us- offering us nourishment for our bodies, as well as, our minds and souls. if we can take something good away from this tragedy, may it be that we move forward as a people and away from our dependency on fossil fuels, and may we act with compassion and wisdom in every decision we make. 

please remember that this is an issue that involves all us, whether the tides have reached us directly or not. it is our job to protect the earth and all its inhabitants and to take responsibilty when things go otherwise. everything is connected.


to purchase a print(s) please visit:

and, please, please, please spread the word.

with love and light.


May All Beings Be Happy.

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